The 14 Day Overhead Squat Overhaul

Calling all Weightlifters, Crossfitters, Functional Fitness Fanatics and anyone who wants to learn the Overhead Squat PROPERLY & SAFELY!


very soon i'll be running a completely free 14 day online challenge to ‘Overhaul you Overhead Squat’.

The reason?

The shoulders are a versatile joint, but their versatility also makes them more fragile if not treated right, combining that with the fact I don’t just see a lot of bad Overhead Squats & Snatches, but some outright dangerous ones too. as a coach that values good movement, i just can’t let it go and feel I should do something about it.

my hope is that by running this free challenge, I get to spread some of my knowledge and do my part to help keep weightlifters, crossfit athletes and anyone who's looking to acquire a new skill, safe and out of harms way because ultimately its the ones who can stay healthy the longest that get the strongest.

The challenge is designed for those who use weightlifting as part of their fitness endeavours, but because of the way i’ve designed it, its perfect for complete beginners too!

Give me Just 14 days to improve your overhead squat and in turn watch the foundations of everything you do overhead improve!


To register your interest, click the Button Below!