Hey and welcome to Savage Strengths Online Strongman Club!
The online version of our strongman club runs alongside our in house strongman club at Wolfslair Fitness and follows the same effective programing.
Between here and the private Facebook group you’ll have access to all of the same information and guidance our club athletes have access too.
You’ll also be able to mix and chat with Savage Strengths other strongman athletes within the private Facebook group, not just allowing you access to our program and coaching, but to the same great community and culture our athletes help to create and nurture.
All this puts you in the best possible position to progress in the sport of strongman.
Below is a welcome video where I get to introduce myself and let you know a little more about the program.
After you’ve watched the intro video, your next steps will be to:
Next Steps
Head to the Athlete Information page
Fill out all the ‘legal stuff’
Download and read the information PDF.
Watch the ‘How To’ Videos
Then come back here and add yourself to the Facebook group.
Say ‘Hi’ and give a little intro about yourself to you new club mates in the Facebook Group.
Below you will find the previous mesocycles of the current training block. If it says not in use, w’re either not far enough along in the training cycle for them to exist, or we’re ending the current cycle and you’d be better off jumping into one of the ‘other programs’ until we start the next.
Intro Programming:
This is a 4 week program to be used as either an intro program for those that haven’t trained much, or as a bridge program for those who joined late in the training cycle.
The program is general and is designed to get you up to speed with both, how to read the programming sheet and to find out where your currently are in terms of numbers.
Plugin Programming:
Click the link to head to our plug in programs page if there’s a specific issue you need to treat.
They’re generally higher frequency and higher intensity in nature's if you’re running one, just run one at a time would be my advice.
If you need some extra guidance, just ask in the facebook group.
Social And Coaching
The Private Facebook Group:
This is your hub to ask the coach questions on movements, the program and also a great place to socialise with the other strongmen and women we coach.
The Hotseat:
There will be a ‘hotseat’ Q&A every Saturday Morning at 10:00am.
It’s the best way to get an answer to any questions you may have that require a deeper response than in the Facebook group.
We run both the Weightlifting & Strongman hotseat at the same time as there are crossovers in both sports and it allows each group an insight into the others sport.
What Next?
I know it’s a lot of information to take in and have thrown at you all at the same time, but nows the time to take it in and learn it. I’ll see you in the Facebook group where you can ask any questions you have.
If you have any suggestions about how too improve our Online Strongman Team, just pop them in the box and let us know.