Adam Johnston
Head Coach and Owner of Savage Strength
Battle for Mercia Champion 2023
Personal Trainer
Level 2 British Weightlifting & Strongman Coach
Head Coach of Savage Strength Weightlifting Club
Head Coach of Savage Strength Strongman Club
Head Coach of Savage Strength School
Welcome to Savage Strength, where technique matters more than just weight on the bar.
As an experienced athlete, weightlifter, and competitive strongman, I firmly believe that efficient movement and proper technique are the keys to success.
Technique matters
With years of experience as a coach and personal trainer, I have produced numerous British and Worlds standard strongmen, multiple 300kg deadlifters, nationally ranked Olympic weightlifters, and countless other strong individuals.
These are the same people I compete against regularly, however, personally, I have never been the strongest man in the gym.
In fact, if I were to compete solely based on raw strength against the competitors I have encountered throughout my career, I would lose 99% of the time.
But despite this, I have consistently performed well, often surpassing expectations, in strength sports competitions.
Some would say ‘over performed.’
Client, Jo Jersby, standing atop the podium after winning the title of Worlds Strongest Natural Man!
I like to work and collaborate alongside other top coaches and inviting Gaby from Venus Weightlifting over and working with her was a great learning experience.
When ‘over performing’ becomes a habit there’s an obvious anomaly, but I’d never really given it much thought as to why I was still successful and originally just put it down to my athletic background in Basketball and generally just being more mobile and able to move a little better than my competition.
It wasn't until my first opens competition in October 2019 that it all made sense.
Although I felt out of place, being lighter, less strong and as a natural athlete having less testosterone than my opponents, I still managed to finish second and even secure an event win.
The reason? Better technique.
That moment was a revelation for me. I realized the power of focusing on movement and technique first, maximizing the effective use of strength. As a coach, while I can make people savagely strong, it has become my specialty to help individuals move efficiently and tap into their full potential.
Whether you're snatching a barbell, squatting with precision, jerking a massive dumbbell, or conquering heavy sandbags or yokes, there is a wrong way to do it, a right way to do it, and and an efficient way to do it.
My commitment to technique and efficient movement has consistently brought me success as a strength athlete and natural strongman in untested competitions. And now, I am confident in my ability to guide and support others on their journey to achieve the same.
Picture taken at Newcastles Strongest 2018
Picture taken at the Battle for Mercia 2023
Take a look at some of my Personal competition results:
Battle For Mercia 2024 (Opens) - 4th
BWL Nixon Rowell Memorial Cup 2024 (U109) - 1st
BWL Yorkshire Open 2024 (U109) - 1st
ABPU Newcastle Qualifier 2024 (U110) - 1st
Battle for Mercia 2023 (Opens) - 1st
BNSF Northern Englands Strongest Man (Opens) 2022 - 2nd
Tyne & Wears Strongest Duo 2022 - 2nd
Unassisted Dinnie Stone Lift & Hold 2020 - 12 Seconds
Strongest in the North 2019 (Opens) - 2nd
UK Truck Pull Championship 2018 (U110) - 2nd
Newcastles Strongest 2018 (Inters) - 3rd
BNSF Northern Qualifier 2018 (U105) - 4th
North East Open 2017 (U105) - 2nd
Newcastles Strongest 2017 (Novice) - 1st
Join Me!
Join me at Savage Strength and let's focus on unleashing your potential through efficient movement and technique.
Together, we'll help you reach new heights in your strength and athletic performance.