Additional & Plugin Programs
Hey everyone,
You’re here because you’ve either singed up to one of the online teams!
This page is here to provide additional programs that you are able to plug and play into your current online team sessions.
Some programs can be plugged into both, some are specific to each sport, but i’ll make sure they’re labelled as such so things don’t get muddled.
Russian Masters Squat Routine
This is a 9 week program geared towards improving your 1RM front or back squat.
It’s a 2 day a week program, so is ideal as a plugin who need to increase their front or back squat.
Weightlifters should plug the squats into Day 1 & 2 of their program.
Strongmen & Get Big Get Strong should plug their squats where they have a squat in their workouts.
Weightlifting Team
Strongman Team
Get Big Get Strong Team