Foot Speed in the Split Jerk


The sound of a split jerk is important.

If the front foot doesn't hit the platform sounding like a shotgun, its often an indication that the lifters split is slow.

While not a comprehensive list, the most common things I see lifters do that causes a slower split are:

1. They are overly arm dependant.

2. They are lifting their feet and not sliding.

Both of which lead to a slower laboured jerk and possible press out.

If you're overly arm dependant... Then get your rack position right and make sure the tightness and position is coming from the back and torso and not by tensing the arms, or focusing on pushing the elbows up.

I find 'Tight back, loose elbows' to be a good cue for this, and should help you shift the weight to the bigger muscles of the legs allowing you to drive the bar higher, leading to a smoother, faster split.

If your lifting and not sliding... Then, and this is obvious… focus on perfecting that slide.

Lifting the legs too high in an arc will slow your split down, prevent you from landing back foot first and probably lead you to landing soft causing problems when the weight gets heavy, so focus on sliding the back foot after the drive.

From an ideal technical stand point the back foot should land first, this will create a better platform for you to punch out and finish off the movement strong.

*You're not Michael Jackson doing a moonwalk, so you won't slide, but the act of thinking about sliding will keep your feet closer to the platform creating a faster jerk.*

As a bonus, if you short step your jerk, working on the back foot slide can help to fix it.

Adam Johnston, 20th March 2020