Volume Drives Strength
I’m starting you off with a little graphic straight out of Zatsiorsky’s ‘Science and Practice of Strength Training.’ If you haven’t read it and are interested in strength, I recommend you do so.
Here’s a nice short one for you that was originally an Instagram post!
Volume drives strength and maxes are an expression of that strength and if you want to get stronger you need to spend your training time wisely!
So here’s some quick parameters for you.
Sub 70%: Mostly used for warm ups, good for hypertrophy on compound movements due to the intensities less taxing nature on the CNS and good for recovery sessions.
70% to 90%: Perfect zone to hit volume & drive strength! Aim for rep ranges that are 1/3 to 2/3’s of that percentages rep max… I.e. Don’t go to failure.
Over 90%: This is where you learn to express that strength. Use it sparingly & at the right times or you’ll hit a brick wall... and fast.
Its not the whole story, and there’s a million and one ways to progress through the weeks that are outside the scope of this short article, but its a great basis for writing your own program!
Adam Johnston, February 9th 2021